Personal Finance Made Easy
Ready to learn everything about money management you should have learned in high school but didn't?
Why Should I Take This Course?
For over 25 years, we have helped countless consumers find the right answer to their financial problems. But so often, the real issue is deeper than one problem. People are not being educated on how to manage their finances from the start and therefore are working trial by error. Family Credit Management began teaching classes on basic yet vital money management principles which are included in this course. You can expect to learn about:
Course Lessons
Meet the instructor
Michael McAuliffe
Michael McAuliffe started Family Credit Management in 1996. He has a Masters Degree in Organizational Management and a Bachelors in Business Management and Political Science. Michael has been teaching personal finance and investment basics for over 25 years in the Chicago area. He looks forward to teaching you everything you need to know to take control of your finances!